Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Granny's Visit

14 November 2009
On Friday night (14th Nov) when I came back from Kuala Lumpur and on reaching my main door, a beautiful butterfly landed on me and refused to fly off no matter what I did. I even went down stairs to take a walk hoping that it will fly away but it just refused to get off me. After 20 minutes outside the house, I finally I had to use my fingers to hold the wings and put it on the money plant. It still refused to go away. I finally burned 7 joss sticks and did a buddhist chanting. I asked if it is granny paying me a visit and if it is her, do come into my house. It stayed till about midnight before flying off.

Granny's 49th day was on 11 Nov (Wed) and I was unable to join the prayer as I was flying around with my CEO. I believe she came to see the last time before going away to her own world after 49 days.

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